Thursday, July 13, 2017


Superintendent Maureen Binienda


Meeting With Superintendent Binienda 7-12-17

On July 12, 2017 people from Mass. Human Rights Comte., Progressive Party, and other met with School Superintendent Maureen Binienda and School Safety Officer Robert Pezzella. The discussion included the so called School to Jail Pipeline, Policies regarding ICE, and high stakes testing.

 Regarding the issue of the school resource officers (police in schools) many of the issued raised seemed to outside of the School Administration to control.  Whether school resource officers (SRO) should carry guns in school and when they make arrests are decisions that can only be changed by the Police Chief and the City Manager.

Mr. Pezzella promised to provide further information regarding the number of students arrested at school for last 2 years, the curriculum of the 40 hours of training that was given to the SROs, number students given long term suspensions over the last 2 years, and the latest Memorandum of Understanding with the City Police Department.

Superintendent Binienda and Mr. Pezzella indicated several times that they wanted to maintain a dialog with the community and hoped that the documents provided would help in that dialog.

Another part of the School to Jail Pipeline discussed was the afterschool programs at the Worcester Public Schools. Superintendent Binienda said that these programs are especially effective during traditionally problematic hours of 3 PM to 6 PM. She said students not in Worcester Public Schools participates in the programs and the program provide a service to the entire City.

The Worcester Public Schools do not as a rule enforce Federal laws. As a rule ICE is not allowed on School buildings or provided students’ information except by Federal warrant or summons. With the summons the School District is given 24 hours to comply. Superintendent Binienda said that Administration would take appropriate actions within the 24 hours compliance period.

The Schools do not ask for or keep information regarding a student’s immigration status. Should a student return to his home and find that his parents have been arrested by ICE, there is program at the Schools to help the student.

When asked about any effect of high stakes testing, both Superintendent Binienda and Mr. Pezzella were of one mind that it was a complex issue. Neither would say that high stakes testing had any significant adverse effect on any student’s success.

 There will be a meeting of the Massachusetts Human Committee on July 19, 2017, 6PM at the YMCA 766 Main St. Worcester, MA 01610 to discuss and plan activities around the information we obtained from the meeting with the School Administration.

For information:  Gordon T. Davis 508 757 5873