Monday, January 1, 2018

The Politics of North High School Hurt the Students

The Politics of North High School Hurt the Students


     North High School in Worcester has the largest high school populations in Worcester. Its students are mostly low income or English language learners or newly arrived. Some are all three.

     The City of Worcester is a Gateway City, a city into which many new comers arrive and live. It is well recognized that this has obligated   the City to provide increased services. Such as public education.

    It is also well recognized that low income students sometimes need increased services in order to maintain grade level. The same is also true for special education students.

    North High School like most urban schools has a majority of students with dark skin.

    The State government underfunds these students.
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The Problem

     All parties say that the problem is the low standardized test scores of some of the students. This has been known for some time.  Given the demographics and the associated learning impediments, the low scores are not a surprise.

    Recently Superintendent Binienda initiated a “turnaround” program for North High School. When Principal Dyer went on medical leave, Superintendent Binienda moved her office into North High School and assumed some of the Principal’s responsibilities.

    The State Department of Education responded to the events by saying that it too was concerned.

The Fake Issues

     It is unlikely that the Department of Education (DEP) will take control of North High School. There DEP spokesperson stated as much.

    North High School does not have consistently falling standardized test scores. Its test scores for last year were higher than the year previous. This year scores might be lower than last year.

    It is already known how to improve the standardized test scores. The solution is to reduce class sizes and provide additional resources to newly arrived students, low income students, and special needs students.

    Superintendent Binienda moving her office into North High School has the feel of a publicity stunt or some other political move. I really do not see any real improvement coming from it.

The Real Issues

     A real issue is the use standardized tests to punish students, teachers and administrators. Students are denied their diplomas and teachers are fired based on test scores alone.

    Standardized tests certainly can be used to evaluate education and to make improvements.However, It makes little sense to use those tests as punishment.

     Even with the attached punishment standardized testing has not overcome the impediments of low income, English language learning, nor special needs. There is no need of further “turnaround” to tell us this.

    The real solution is to provide the needed resources to those students that are faced with external and internal learning impediments. This means fully funded public schools measured by the needs of the students and not the politicians.

Thoughts on Superintendent Binienda

     The Superintendent has done a good job overall. She was not my first choice for Superintendent, Ms. Binienda has an especially good way of dealing with the public. I met with her last summer and she was very knowledgeable and personable.

     I do not think that the School Committee should have given her such a high evaluation this cycle, when by her own admission two schools in mostly Black, Latino, low come locations are underperforming.

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