A Police Report Shows Need for Training
In October of 2017 a tenant at Elm Park Tower passed out flyers at a tenants crime watch meeting that was being run by the Worcester Housing Authority (WHA). The Head of security ordered the tenant to leave the room. The Head of security instructed an Worcester Police Office to talk with the tenant.
The Head of security and the Executive Director of the WHA were planning to ban the tenant from any WHA meeting. They complained that the tenant was a nuisance or a joke, and disruptive.
People in the community opposed this ban and held a demonstration, helped by the Mass. Human Rights and Progressive Labor Party, outside of Em Park Tower. People also interviewed witnesses and gathered statements of the incident, including the police report.
The WHA management folded and sent a letter to the tenant saying he was welcomed at tenants, meetings.
Police Report
Passing flyers at a meeting is a civil right protected by the First Amendment from governmental interference (especially by the police).
The officer in his report tells the tenant that if the tenant does not like the lease the tenant can move. This is inappropriate as the police officer is supposed to be investigating a disruption and not intimidating tenants or interpreting housing statutes.
The bias of the police officer is again seen when he tells the tenant the meeting is not open to the public. Whether the meeting was open to the public is not relevant, as the meeting was open to all tenants.
It is clear that the management of the WHA is a bully violating tenants. rights. It is also clear that the Worcester Police knowingly or in ignorance violated the civil rights of a tenant.