Friday, April 10, 2015

Worcester Hides Behind Department of Justice

Worcester Hides Behind Department of Justice.

It was announced recently that the City of Worcester invited the Department of Justice to hold discussions about race. The question arises why doesn’t the City hold these hearings directly. People have been demanding that there be increased scrutiny of the police, a review of the seemingly racist overreaction at North High School, and the lack of written policies on construction projects and Worcester residents.  Many people have raised that the schools are underfunded and a part of a system that will have adversely negative racial impact.  The people who have gone to City Council meetings, School Committee meetings, and other meetings are still here and no one from the City has asked them for a “discussion “on race.

The Department of Justice will interface in the City with the City Manager’s Coalition against Bias and Hate. This group consists of very well meaning people, but as a group it has not spoken out against the racist murders of unarmed working class people, especially Black men. The Coalition against Bias and Hate has not spoken out against the racist over reaction against North High students and students in general. It  have not spoken out against the racist underfunding of schools. It remained silent when the issue of job for Worcester resident was raised. The Coalition against Bias and Hate is run by the City Manager to give him cover on issues of race.

This cover for the City is seen in that it went to the media first before it contacted any Black or Latino person who has raised their voices against racism. The Coalition is said it would announce a schedule for the race discussions on April 24, 2015. This makes no sense given the urgency of the issue. The arrest of a police officer for allegedly beating a handcuffed prisoner at the City lock up adds more urgency to the situation. I don’t think that the Coalition against Bias and Hate has the experience or will to do anything  substantial against racism, given it track record. However I have an open mind on the issue.

The discussion of race should include the urgent discussion of police conduct and that of City Manager Ed Augustus. He and the Police Chief Gemme are seeking charges against two people who have participated in Black Lives Matter new civil rights movement. The is an obvious attempt by the City to intimate other people who have raised their voices against racism. There is no evidence that can be used in court against the two, but the City is going forward with its prosecution on April 15, 2015. There will be a rally on April 14, 2015, 6:30 PM at City Hall in support of the people being persecuted by the City. On April 18, 2015, 1 PM there will be a discussion of race and police conduct sponsored by the Massachusetts Human Right Commission and the Progressive Labor Party at the Worcester Library.

Councillor Lukes owes the City and its residents an apology for her “support the cops absolutely” resolution. Her resolutions and statements by Michael Gaffney have made it harder to appropriately scrutinize police conduct. This issue should also be discussed in the discussion on race.

The Department of Justice coming to Worcester and the arrest of the police officer in Worcester for alleged Civil Rights violations are a sign that the Black (All) Lives Matter new civil rights movement is having a positive effect on society. These things would not have happened if it were not for the protests, meetings, workshops, and marches of the people speaking out against racism.

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