Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Gifts For Worcester

Epiphany Gifts for Worcester

     Giving gifts at the end of year is a tradition around the Western world. It has become secular and commercial. I grew up Roman Catholic and the Church tried to make this end of year gift giving religious.

An attempt was mad to connect the gifts of the three wise men to Christmas day.  Some culture still exchange gifts on the Epiphany.

So in the secular spirit of the Epiphany, I wish the following to people.
1.     To the Worcester City Council I wish a big box of common sense. The schools of Worcester are seeking “private money” for equipment and teachers. At the same time the City Council is taking out a loan for $250,000 to build one dog park.

Common sense tells us that it is the dog owners who should seek a private funds for the park. Common sense says that our children are more important than the dogs.

The Worcester City Council has also allocated $400,000 a year for four horses. Boston has gotten rid of their horses because of the expense.

Some City Councillors have said the crazy idea that the horses will help “community” policing.  Common sense is that there is no community policing when you are 12 feet up on a horse.  

2.     To the pedestrians and drivers of Worcester I wish for a 25 mph speed limit on City streets. There have been too many pedestrians killed or injured in Worcester. A 25 mph speed limit would help and remind drivers that city streets are congested with other cars, pedestrians, and children.

Hopefully there will be no pedestrian deaths in 2017

3.     For Union Station I wish better handicap accessibility. This lack of handicap accessibility is well known to the City Manager. It is especially bad for handicap pick up or drop off at the Interstate bus terminal.

Union Station is built over Mill Brook and its water is damaging the structure. To make this white elephant a modern and sustainable transportation center might mean tearing it down.

 In the meantime as a quick fix the area where the taxis park should be made into a handicap pick up and drop off area. The area around Columbus ‘statue should be made into the taxi waiting area.

4.     To the children in the Worcester Public School I wish that the racist bloggers and other racist people would stop attacking you. You are the value in the heart of this City. These racist attacks not only are hurtful, but it hurts everyone in the City.

People move away and properties values go down everytime the racist bloggers, City councilor, and School Committee members open their foul mouths.

5.     For every human being in the Worcester area I wish for you your human right of good drinking water. It is fairly certain that the amount rainfall for the area has on average decreased from 48 inches annually to 38 inches.

There is a need for some forward thinking people to begin planning for an improved water infrastructure that can adapt to the new reality of Global Warming.

6.     For the police I wish that they can be brave enough to wear body cameras. It would help all concerned.

7.     Wishing everyone good fortune and happiness.

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